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Hi Mums, Dads, Caregivers and Kids,                                        

The belt incentive program at St Paul's is designed to be fun an give children a little extra motivation to become a fabulous Japanese student. Students receive a special Japanese coloured badge for each level that they pass. They can wear this badge with their school uniform throughout the school year.

Essential Information:

-There are 5 badges awarded: Yellow, Orange, Green, Brown and Black. Black is the ultimate goal.

-All students start off on White Level (there is no badge for White) and as they pass tests, they receive stamps

to signify that they have passed tests. This is called a "coloured tip"

-Students are tested in the four areas of READING, WRITING, SPEAKING and LISTENING

-I suggest that students save the SPEAKING component until last because it is a ONE-ON-ONE Test with their Japanese teacher and will require and appointment.

-The pages for study are divided into READING & WRITING and SPEAKING & LISTENING

-Have your child study the pages step-by-step and as they finish each area (R,W,L or S) they can get tested on each one.

-They have to achieve a 90% score or above to pass each test. 

-Once each test is passed, a stamp will be entered into their Japanese Passport to acknowledge their success.

-Once all 4 areas for each belt are passed, students will receive a very special Japanese Coloured Badge

-I would recommend Yr 3 and up for this kind of assessment/ incentive program but am always willing to acknowledge exceptional cases.

-When your child is ready (100% ready) for each test, send me a note or get your child to tell me and I will organise for them to sit their test.

-This is designed as a fun activity and there are no sheep stations at stake :)

-Please contact me at school if you would like to know more, Charles.

                                        Created for the LOVE OF LEARNING .

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